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Zero-Waste Home Makeover: 6 Chic and Sustainable Decor Ideas

Zero-Waste Home Makeover: 6 Chic & Sustainable Decor Ideas | EcoBlog

Transforming your home to something new should be the aim of every individual. There are so many things that we can do that will bring life into every room, and if we do not do that from time to time, then it can get quite boring. Here we will provide you with some ideas that you can implement now, and you will immediately feel the difference. 

1. Create something new

Many things in everyone's home have seen better days, and most of them deserve to be thrown out unless you find something else that you can use them for. For example, you can turn an old wooden ladder into an amazing and colorful bookshelf, or you can get your old suitcase and make a side table from it, making it a wonderful decorative piece in your home. This not only reduces waste but also makes a huge difference in your lovely home, where you can use each piece of furniture to create something new. This also saves you money, as you will get a new furniture piece that you can style just the way you like it with a little bit of paint and some minor repairs.

2. Use natural and biodegradable materials

Sustainability goes hand in hand with using natural and biodegradable materials, so you should look for such items when renovating your home. Bamboo, organic cotton, or cork can be some of the ideas you can use, and they will add that wonderful, cozy, and warm atmosphere to your living space. You can also change your synthetic rugs with woolen ones, and quickly see how such natural materials bring a lot of benefits into your room. Remember that natural materials are durable, high-quality, and non-toxic, which makes them perfect especially if you have small children, pets, or someone allergic to synthetic materials. They will finally breathe easier and all of you will be healthier with this type of makeover.

3. Get some new curtains

Curtains are much more than just a functional part of your home. They can completely transform the atmosphere, set the right mood, and improve energy efficiency when done as it should. And if you’re looking for sustainable options, then you can get curtains for any room made of organic cotton, linen, or recycled materials that will provide you with premium privacy, light control, and insulation. You can also think about using second-hand ones to reduce waste, as when you choose high-quality materials, nothing can beat the looks and beauty they bring into the room.

4. Lighting

The lighting of your home has a huge influence on how it looks. Thankfully, there are many eco-friendly options that you can go for which will make your home look beautiful, but still, they can spare you energy and resources. You can use LED bulbs, or if you have many clear days during the year, you can invest in solar power, which can cover a lot of your power needs, you can even release power back into the grid in some places, and then they will lower your power bill. Make sure that you choose effective lighting, which can cover a lot of ground so that you do not have to use multiple pieces.

5. Plants

A great way to give life to your home is by investing in some plants. There are so many different types you can choose from and they all can make your time in your home much more enjoyable. What is great about getting plants is that you help the environment, and that you do not need much to maintain them. All they need is some soil, water, and sun, and you can enjoy all that they can bring forth. Even if you think that you are not a flower-type of person, know that there is almost certainly something that you can get.

Recycle what you can


6. Recycle what you can

There are many items in your home that have seen better days, and instead of just throwing them out the door, you can recycle them and you do not need to replace them at all. You need to think whether you need that item at all in your home. Why should you get a new one when you can use the space for something else? For example, if you want to get rid of your children’s old bed and they won’t be living with you anymore, just get rid of it and make the room a place where you can relax and have fun.

There are many ingenious ways you can turn your home into something better, and more exciting without having to work with the waste that people usually produce afterward. All you need is a little bit of imagination and hard work, and you will think of something in no time.


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