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Why Sustainable House Cleaning Practices Are Better for Your Family

Sustainable House Cleaning Eco-Friendly Tips  EcoBlog

Very few people actively enjoy the process of cleaning their homes. Still, it is an unavoidable part of life. Allowing your home to deteriorate and get messy can cultivate a breeding ground for bacteria, germs, and even pests. However, cleaning one’s house often means coming into contact with dangerous chemical cleaners. For this reason, a lot of people are hesitant to deep clean. Did you know that you no longer need to use harsh chemicals, however? It is entirely possible to clean your house sustainably. This post explains how and offers insight into why sustainable cleaning practices are better for you and your loved ones.

Hire Professional Support

You don’t have to clean your house yourself. It is entirely possible to outsource cleaning to a professional maid service. The experts from The Maids Lake Oswego make clear on their site that they perform deep cleans on their clients’ houses for them. Outsourcing doesn’t mean you have to worry about your house being cleaned using harsh chemical agents, though. It is perfectly possible to pay a maid service to clean your house using sustainable, eco-friendly chemicals.  You have to let the company you plan on working with know you want to use eco-friendly chemicals from the start. If you do not, the chances are they will use harsh chemical cleaners. You can make their lives easier for them by supplying your own eco-friendly cleaning agents.

Indoor Air Quality

Sustainable house cleaning practices can massively improve the quality of your home’s air. A lot of people underestimate the importance of good indoor air quality. If your home has poor air quality, the chances of you developing respiratory infections, as well as asthma or other breathing issues is much higher than if your indoor air quality was good. In addition to adopting sustainable house cleaning practices, an air purifier or air filter can help you to combat indoor pollution and transform your home’s air for the better. Both air purifiers and air filters are widely available and usually quite affordable.

Allergic Reactions

Harsh chemical cleaners can sometimes cause allergic reactions, not to mention release allergens into your home’s air. If anybody in your house is allergic to the ingredients in chemical cleaning formulas, the more you use them, the more likely they are to have an adverse reaction. Frequent exposure to allergens heightens a person’s risk of developing anaphylaxis, a serious allergic reaction that can be fatal if not treated quickly. While anaphylaxis from brief exposure to cleaning chemicals is unlikely, it can still make your loved one’s lives uncomfortable, and cause breathing issues. Sustainable cleaners make use of eco-friendly ingredients, which means they are considerably less likely to cause reactions of any kind.

allergic to the ingredients in chemical cleaning formulas


Health Risks

There are a number of health risks associated with long-term exposure to harsh chemical cleaning agents. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of this. If you have occasionally used chemical cleaners, your chances of developing health issues are slim to none, but frequent exposure can cause problems. It is worth noting that many chemical cleaners don’t disappear from your home, even when you wipe them away. They can stay in the air, on surfaces, or even contaminate things like eating utensils, or food if they are used near it. Eco-friendly cleaners are non-toxic and therefore safe to use at home.

Safer Environment

If you want your home to be a safe space for you and your loved ones, use eco-friendly cleaning chemicals. Consider all of the points made so far, and you will see that the use of harsh chemical cleaning agents is a danger to you and your family. They can also be very dangerous to pets since even brief exposure can cause adverse reactions. The threshold for chemical poisoning in pets is much lower than it is in humans, which means even accidentally spraying a chemical cleaner in your pet’s direction can be fatal.

Eco-friendly Brands

Finally, by investing in eco-friendly cleaning products, you actually support eco-friendly brands. The environment is in a terrible condition, largely due to human activities. If you take a proactive approach towards sustainability, you will be able to keep yourself and your loved ones living fully green lifestyles. Supporting eco-friendly brands helps to keep them in business and means that they get the opportunity to sell their products to more and more people, which will likely result in them, eventually, dominating the market and wiping out companies that sell harsh chemical cleansers.

Sustainable house cleaning is essential. It can protect your family from accidental exposure to chemicals and allergens, not to mention do wonders for the environment. Some non-toxic cleaners can still cause reactions though, so hire a maid to do your cleaning for you if you want to limit exposure to all cleaning agents, toxic or non-toxic.


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